Friday Photograph
/This is one I took yesterday: an amazingly exotic hellebore, in the wilderness at Powis Castle Garden. For once, Powis didn’t work its magic – but then I’m pretty stressed at the moment, and the weather turned dull and chilly. The gardeners and the birds were extra friendly, though, because there were so few people around.
The garden’s really between seasons: there were early daffodils, including the start of the wild ones in the meadow – my favourites. But not a lot otherwise – I found more when I went (on a sunny day) in January. Another month and there should be azaleas and rhododendrons starting to flower. I’m impatient for colour, as always.
This was taken with my Fuji X-T2 and 60mm macro – a combination I’m really enjoying. And I can get away with ISO3200 for this, which is amazing.